The story begins in 1986 when Harold Plaisted and his son Tim Plaisted began Harvest Time Products in Aurora, Oregon. Together they pursued their calling to produce a pet line called Wally Cat and Wally Bird. These products were made from ground and separated walnut shells. The company grew the market and sold their products throughout five Western States and into Canada. In the early 90's the raw material was becoming difficult to source locally due to limited expansion from walnut farmers. The company knew they had to find another source of raw material to survive. It did not take long for the two to realize the Willamette Valley is where 99% of the Countries hazelnut farming and production occurs. The company purchased hazelnut shells to test the effectiveness. The R&D showed a positive response towards the shift in raw materials leading to hazelnut shells becoming the main ingredient in their products. After 13 years in business Harvest Time Products ended its journey in 1999.
Our History
In 2013 Tim's son, Kyle Plaisted and his wife Anna Plaisted, re-opened the business doors. From their backyard to the 140-foot Mill in Dallas Oregon, KP's has continued to grow their capacity to keep abreast of the vastly growing Oregon Hazelnut Industry. In the Willamette valley farmers are investing in planting more acres of hazelnut trees and the hazelnut market continues to shift toward hazelnut kernels, which leads to further inshell hazelnut shelling and ultimately additional hazelnut shells. KP's has increased their capacity to set themselves up for the additional volume. They have developed the distribution chains to maximize outward reach to the end consumers. KP's is dedicated to renewing biodegradable products through being Stewards of Hazelnut Shells. KP's is driven toward building honest, strong and long lasting business practices throughout the marketplace.